电话: 0471-4993130; 18610350560
邮箱: lifyhong@126.com
内蒙古大学生态学学士(1983)、中国科学院研究生院/植物所植物学硕士(1986)和法国蒙坡利尔大学生态与进化科学博士(1992)。 曾任中国科学院植物所研究员和新西兰草地农业研究院草地研究中心资深研究员等职。 长期从事草地生态系统研究,在草地生态系统结构与生物多样性、草地放牧生态系统管理、气候变化对草地生态系统和农牧业生产影响、草地温室气体减排、草地碳 氮水过程模拟和牧场管理决策支持系统研发等方面有长期的研究积累。国内工作曾以内蒙古草原植被动态和草原生态畜牧业优化模式研究获中国科学院自然科学和科技进步奖,入选国家百千万人才工程。新西兰的研究涵盖草地和农牧场生态系统,是新西兰初级产业部《气候变化对初级产业影响及适应管理》专著牧场专题的撰稿人。近期论文:
Li FY,
Whalley RDB (2014) Introduction to the Special issue of The Rangeland Journal on
Social and ecological aspects of grassland use in northern China: implications for adaptation to climate change
. The Rangeland Journal 36: i-ii.
Baoyin T, Li FY, Bao Q, Minggagud H, ZhongY (2014) Effects of mowing regimes and climate variability on hay production of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvelev grassland in northern China. The Rangeland Journal 36:593-600.
Zhong L, Du R, Ding K, Li FY, Bowatte S, Hoogendoorn C, Wang YF, Rui YC, Jiang LL (2014) Effects of grazing on abundance of nitrifying and denitrifying microbial communities, and N2O production potential in meadow-steppe grassland in Northern China.Soil Biology and Biochemistry 69:1-10.
Li FY,
PCD Newton, M Lieffering (2014) Testing simulations of intra- and inter-annual variation of the plant production response to elevated CO2 from a 11-year FACE experiment on grazed pasture. Global Change Biology 20:228-239.
Thomas RG, Li FY,
Hay MJM (2014) Differential bud activation by a net positive root signal explains branching phenotype in prostrate clonal herbs: a model. Journal of Experimental Botany 65: 673