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时间:2017-01-12    作者:冯刚

1.         Chen X, Yang J, Hugejiletu, Chen Y, Hou H, 2016. Seasonal Dynamics of Phytoplankton and its Relationship with Environmental Factors of a Chinese Lake. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 25: 1427-2433.

2.         Feng G, Mao L, Benito BM, Swenson N, Svenning J-C, 2016. Historical anthropogenic footprints in the distribution of threatened plants in China. Biological Conservation In press.

3.         Feng G, Mao L, Sandel B, Swenson N, Svenning J-C, 2016. High plant endemism in China is partially linked to reduced glacial-interglacial climate change. Journal of Biogeography 43: 145-154.

4.         Feng G, Mi X, Yan H, Li FY, Svenning J-C, Ma K, 2016. CForBio: a network monitoring Chinese forest biodiversity-progress and perspective. Science Bulletin 61: 1163-1170.

5.         Han F, Kang S, Buyantuev A, Zhang Q, Niu J, Yu D, Ding Y, Liu P, Ma W, 2016. Effects of climate change on primary production in the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing 37: 5551-5564.

6.         Kang S, Niu J, Zhang Q, Li D, Ren H, Ren J, Zhang X, Dong J, 2016. Environmental filtering does not necessarily prevent trait divergence: a case study of the Xilin River Basin in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Plant Ecology In press.       

7.         Li X, Hou X, Ren W, Baoyin T, Liu Z, Badgery, W, Li Y, Wu X, Xu H, 2016. Long-term effects of mowing on plasticity and allometry of Leymus chinensis in a temperate semi-arid grassland, China. Journal of Arid Land 8: 899-909.

8.         Lieffering M, Newton PCD, Vibart R, Li FY, 2016. Exploring climate change impacts and adaptations of extensive pastoral agriculture systems by combining biophysical simulation and farm system models. Agricultural Systems 144: 7786.

9.         Liu Y, Liu Q, Sun X, Zhang X, Kang S, Ding Y, Zhang Q, Niu J, 2016. The applicability of the species pool hypothesis to community diversity in the Inner Mongolia grassland along a mean annual precipitation gradient. Acta Ecologica Sinica 36: 442-447

10.      Liu Z, Yang G, Li X, Yan Y, Sun J, Gao R, Sun Q, Wang Z, 2016. Autumn dormancy regulates the expression of cas18,vsp and corF genes during cold acclimation of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) Crop & Pasture Science 67666-678.

11.      Luo Q, Gong J, Zhai Z, Pan Y, Liu M, Xu S, Wang Y, Yang L, Baoyin T, 2016. The responses of soil respiration to nitrogen addition in a temperate grassland in northern China. Science of the Total Environment 569: 1466-1477

12.      Ma W, Feng G, Zhang Q, 2016. Status of nature reserves in Inner Mongolia, China. Sustainability  8, 889; doi:10.3390/su8090889. Co-first author.

13.      Qi L, Li FY, Huang Z, Jiang P, Baoyin T, Wang H, 2016. Phytolith-occluded organic carbon as a mechanism for long-term carbon sequestration in a typical steppe: The predominant role of belowground productivity. Science of the Total Environment 577: 413417.

14.      Wan Z, Yang J, Gu R, Liang Y, Yan Y, Gao Q, Yang J, 2016. Influence of Different Mowing Systems on Community Characteristics and the Compensatory Growth of Important Species of the Stipagrandis Steppe in Inner Mongolia. Sustainability   8: 1121.

15.      Zhao L, Xin Z, Zhao Y, 2016. Silene langshanensis (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Inner Mongolia, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 53: 37-39.

16.      Zhao L, Zhao Y, 2016. Rosa longshoushanica (Rosaceae), a new species from Gansu and Inner Mongolia, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 53:103-105.

17.      Zhang Q, Wu J, Buyantuev A, Niu J, Zhou Y, Ding Y, Kang S, Ma W, 2016. Plant species diversity is correlated with climatic factors differently at the community and the functional group levels: A case study of desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Biosystems 150: 121-123.

18.      Zhang X, Niu J, Buyantuev A, Zhang Q, Dong J, Kang S, Zhang J, 2016. Understanding Grassland Degradation and Restoration from the Perspective of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Xilin River Basin in Inner Mongolia, China. Sustainability   8:594-610.

19.      常昌明,牛建明,王海,张庆,董建军,韩芳,那日苏,2016. 小针茅荒漠草原土壤水分动态及其对降雨的响应. 干旱区研究33260-265

20.      陈俊俊,燕亚媛,丛日慧,刘庆福,刘洋,丁勇,牛建明,张庆,2016. 基于MaxEnt模型的短花针茅在中国的潜在分布区研究及预估.        中国草地学报3878-84

21.      郝广,齐志敏,梁颖,闫勇智,李阳,王玮琛,宋长清,杨九艳,2016. 羊草在多云条件下光合及水分生理生态特征研究.    内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版) 47: 515-521

22.李丹,康萨如拉,赵梦颖,张庆,任海娟,任婧, 俊梅,王珍,吴仁吉,牛建明,2016.内蒙古羊草草原不同退化阶段土壤养分与植物功能性状的关系. 植物生态学报         40: 991-1002

23.    李瑞新,丁勇,马文静,牛建明,张庆,2016. 植物功能多样性及其与生态系统功能关系研究进展. 生态环境学报251069-1075

24.李雅琼,霍艳双,赵一安,杨丽娜,宝音陶格涛,2016. 不同改良措施对退化草原土壤碳氮储量的影响.    中国草地学报3890-95

25.秦帅,陈龙,臧春鑫,赵利清,2016. 贺兰山及内蒙古、宁夏维管植物新记录. 干旱区研究33: 789-791

26.    万志强,杨九艳,谷蕊,闫玉龙,梁艳,杨劼,高清竹,2016. 不同刈割频度对大针茅草原群落特征及土壤元素含量的影响. 生态学报36: 5477-5484

27.王炜,裴浩,王鑫厅,2016. 优势种植被分类系统的逻辑分析与示例方案化. 生物多样性24: 136-147

28. 徐慧敏,白天晓,安娜,时光,赵一安,宝音陶格涛,2016. 不同刈割制度对典型草原羊草功能性状的影响. 中国草地学报3760-65

29. 燕亚媛,金一兰,刘思齐,丛日慧,陈俊俊,牛建明,丁勇,2016. 内蒙古草原优势种群种间关联特征分析内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版) 47:617-624

         30.张俊刚,姜慧敏,李雅茹,宝音陶格涛,2016. 施肥、灌溉对切根改良草地群落的影响.    中国草地学报3881-86

31.张雪峰,牛建明,张庆,董建军,张靖,2016. 内蒙古锡林河流域草地生态系统水源涵养功能空间格局. 干旱区研究33: 814-821

 32.    赵磊,党振华,赵艳宁,张颖,牛建明,任婧,周俊梅,2016. 短花针茅SSR-PCR反应体系的建立及引物筛选. 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)   4758-64

 32.    彭江涛,朱宗元,梁存柱,刘钟龄,2016. 中国针茅属植物系统发育与空间分异研究进展. 干旱区资源与环境30165-170

 33.    梁茂伟,梁存柱,白雪,苗百岭,王英舜,包桂荣,王譞,2016. 一年生植物功能群对放牧草原生物量和土壤呼吸的影响. 草业科学332407-2417

 34.    苗百岭,梁存柱,韩芳,梁茂伟,张自国,2016. 内蒙古主要草原类型植物物候对气候波动的响应. 生态学报367689-7701

 35.    梁茂伟,白雪,王英舜,苗百岭,包桂荣,王譞,梁存柱,2016. 适度放牧对内蒙古典型草原碳循环的影响. 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)47278-284








