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时间:2015-10-18    作者:

1. Bai XL, 2012. Syntrichia rhizogemmascens (Pottiaceae), a new species from northwestern China. The Bryologist 115(2).
2. Buyantuyev A. A Space-For-Time (SFT) Substitution Approach to Studying Historical Phenological Changes in Urban Environment Plos One 2012712
3. Guo W., 2012. Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils around Coal Mine Spoil Piles in Shiguai District of Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Northern China. Advanced Materials Research 518-523.
4. Hou XY, Han Y, Li FY, 2012. The perception and adaptation of herdsmen to climate change and climate variability in the desert steppe region of northern China. The Rangeland Journal 34: 349–357.
5. Li FY, K. Betteridge, R. Cichota, C. J. Hoogendoorn, BH Jolly, 2012. Effects of nitrogen load variation in animal urination events on nitrogen leaching from grazed pasture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 159: 81-89.
6. Li FY, R. Vibart, R. Dynes, I. Vogelor, M Brown, 2012. Effects of climate variability on sheep & beef farming in northern Southland, New Zealand. Proc. New Zealand Grassland Association 74: 77-83.
7. Li FY, K Betteridge, 2012. Assessing the effectiveness of applying nitrification inhibitor in stockcamps for mitigating nitrogen loss from grazed pastures. In: Advanced Nutrient Management: Gains from the Past - Goals for the Future. (Eds) L.D. Currie and C L. Christensen. Massey University, New Zealand.
8. Wang L, 2012. Bibliometric analysis of status quo of wetland Science in China. Advanced Materials Research, 518-523.
9. Wang L, 2012. Comparison of CO2 net exchange between different plant communities in typical steppe of Inner Mongolia Plateau. Advanced Materials Research , 518-523
10. Wang L, 2012. Research on the Evolution of Aquatic Vegetation in Wuliangsuhai Wetland of Inner Mongolia, China. Advanced Materials Research, 518-523.
11. Yang JY, 2012. Genetic diversity of Caragana species of the Ordos Plateau in China. Plant Systematics and Evolution 298(4).
12. Yu RH, 2012. The Environment Variation and Analysis of Wuliangsuhai Wetland in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Advanced Materials Research, 518-523.
13. Zhang Q, 2012. Impact of climatic factors on genetic diversity of Stipa breviflora populations in Inner Mongolia. Genetics and Molecular Research, 11(3).
14. Zhao J. 2012 Factors affecting extracellular and intracellular polysaccharide production in submerged cultivation of Tricholoma Mongolicum. African Journal of Microbiology Research 6(5).
15. Zhao J, 2012. The study of soil microorganism in different vegetation at the Wuliangsuhai wetland Advanced Materials Research, 518-523.
16. Zhao J, 2012, Distributive Characteristics of Soil Microorganisms at Wetland on Mongolian Plateau in Inner Mongolia. Advanced Materials Research, 356-360.
17. Zhao J, 2012. Diversity of Fungi and Actinomycetes in Soil of Enclosed and Grazing Wetland on Inner Mongolian Plateau. Advanced Materials Research, 356-360.
18. Zhao J, 2012.  Study on the Divergent Characteristics of Soil Fungi and Actinomycetes at Dry Lake Wetland on Typical Steppe. Advanced Materials Research, 356-360.
19. 白学良,丛藓科叶细胞疣和乳突的光镜观察及其分类学意义,西北植物学报,20123211.
20. 白学良,近五十年内蒙古大学校园内苔藓植物物种组成变化,内蒙古大学学报,2012433.
21. 白学良,苔藓植物化石的研究进展及应用,西北植物学报,20123212.
22. 白学良,藓类结皮层人工培养试验和维持机制研究,中国沙漠,2012321.
23. 包玉英,油菜黑胫病菌Leptosphaeria biglobosa生物学特性研究,中国油料作物学报,2012344.
24. 宝音陶格涛,库布齐沙地油蒿群落冠层光合有效辐射与地上生物量,中国草地学报,2012341.
25. 宝音陶格涛,内蒙古荒漠草原小针茅群落土壤养分的化学计量学特征,中国草地学报,2012345.
26. 宝音陶格涛,羊草人工草地生物多样性与生产力关系研究,中国草地学报,2012343.
27. 潮洛濛,鄂尔多斯市康巴什新区城市绿地景观现状分析,安徽农业大学学报,2012393.
28. 潮洛濛,基于生物多样性保护的城市建设用地生态适宜性评价——以西鄂尔多斯地区为例,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),2012434.
29. 郭伟,草原煤矸石堆放的生态环境问题及其治理措施综述,安全与环境学报,2012123.
30. 郭伟,内蒙古草原白乃庙铜矿区土壤重金属污染特征研究,土壤通报,2012432.
31. 梁存柱,干旱与半干旱区一年生植物水势对模拟降水变化的响应,内蒙古大学学报,2012432.
32. 梁存柱,基于不同零模型的点格局分析,生物多样性,2012202.
33. 刘华民,鄂尔多斯高原1982-2006年植被变化及其驱动因子,水土保持通报,2012323.
34. 刘华民,气候变化对农牧民生计影响及适应性研究——以鄂尔多斯市乌审旗为例,资源科学,2012342.
35. 牛建明,一种植物叶片的解剖结构显微测量新方法,生物学杂志,2012291.
36. 朴顺姬,近30年呼和浩特市山桃、紫丁香叶和花的物候期对气候变化的响应,内蒙古大学学报,2012434.
37. 朴顺姬,毛乌素不同类型沙地油蒿种群遗传分化的ISSR分析,中国草地学报,2012341.
38. 宋雪梅,杨九艳,红砂种子萌发对盐分及适度干旱的响应,中国沙漠,201232(6).
39. 王立新,内蒙古高原典型草原区河漫滩湿地植物群落退化表征,植物生态学报,2012361.
40. 王炜,草原植物根系起始吸水层深度测定方法及其在不同群落状态下的表现,生态学报,2012326.
41. 王炜,内蒙古典型草原区芨芨草群落适生生境,生态学报,2012324.
42. 王艳荣,持续干旱下四种地被植物对土壤水分利用的比较研究,中国草地学报,2012342.
43. 王艳荣,三种草坪草对土壤水分利用特征的比较研究,中国草地学报,2012346.
44. 杨劼,不同植被类型对毛乌素沙地土壤有机碳的影响,草业学报,2012212.
45. 杨劼,茭蒿(Artemisia giraldii)的地理分布及与气候的关系,干旱区资源与环境,2012266.
46. 杨劼,内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯高原茭蒿种子萌发特性研究,水土保持通报,2012324.
47. 杨劼,水位梯度对毛乌素沙地柳湾林群落特征影响,中国沙漠,2012325.
48. 杨九艳,红砂种子萌发对盐胁迫及适度干旱的响应,中国沙漠,2012326.
49. 张庆,内蒙古短花针茅群落数量分类及环境解释,草业学报,2012211.
50. 赵吉,甲烷氧化与氨氧化微生物及其耦合功能,地球科学进展,2012276.
51. 赵吉,内蒙古地区畜牧场沼气工程的调查评估,内蒙古大学学报,2012436.
52. 赵吉,内蒙古高原干涸湖泊反硝化及甲烷氧化细菌的群落分析,中国环境科学,2012327.
53. 赵利清,西鄂尔多斯维管植物区系特征分析,中国沙漠,2012322.


